Leave A Gift In My Will

Make a Legacy Gift

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Why Make a Planned Gift?

A legacy gift – no matter the size – is an excellent demonstration of the values you hold throughout your life while providing a lasting impact on generations to come. You can help ensure that future Maritime families receive the support and accommodations needed when they must travel to access life-saving medical care.

Which planned giving options are available?

Leave a Bequest

In addition to remembering your family and friends in your will, you can leave a bequest to RMHC Atlantic in the form of a specific (pre-determined amount), residual/proportional (a portion or percentage of your estate) or contingent gift (donation dependent on another event or remaining funds after necessary payments). A bequest is a suitable gift for those who wish to leave a meaningful gift while ensuring that their family is taken care of. Any gift amount, no matter the size, helps to provide a stable source of funding for RMHC Atlantic without impacting your present lifestyle. You can expect to receive a tax receipt that may result in reduced tax owing by your estate.

Gift of Life Insurance

Transfer ownership of an existing policy, donate ownership of a new policy or name RMHC Atlantic as a beneficiary of a policy without immediate transfer of ownership. Each option has unique tax benefits for you and your estate. Gifts of life insurance enable you to make a substantial gift with a small investment of monthly premiums.

Gifts of Securities

Donate securities and eliminate the capital gains tax required with the sale of appreciated securities and mutual funds. This option allows the full value of your security to be applied to charity without tax penalties.

Click here for our Transfer of Securities Form.

Gifts of RRSPs & RRIFs

You can name RMHC Atlantic the sole or partial beneficiary of an RRSP or RRIF. You will receive a tax receipt for the value of the donated plan which may reduce or eliminate tax liability on your estate.

Planning your Future Gift

We encourage you to consult with your legal and/or financial advisor to ensure that your financial goals are properly managed prior to finalizing your gift.

For information about planned giving, contact: