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A short walk to the IWK Health Centre.
1133 Tower Road,
Halifax, NS
B3H 2Y7
For information or to schedule a tour, contact:
Phone: 902-429-4044
Fax: 902-429-8650
Located in the IWK Health Centre.
IWK Health Centre
5850/5980 University Avenue
P.O. Box 9700
Halifax, NS, B3K 6R8
For information or to schedule a tour, contact:
Phone: 902-470-6391
Located in The Moncton Hospital.
The Moncton Hospital
2nd Floor Mezzanine
135 MacBeath Ave.
Moncton, NB, E1C 6Z8
For information or to schedule a tour, contact:
Phone: 506-867-6582